Nominations Are Now Open

We would like to begin the nomination process for officers to the Executive Committee. 

Please review the Nomination Guidelines. Nominees not meeting the guidelines will not be eligible for the ballot. 

  • President-Elect (3-year term)
  • Member-at-Large (2-year term)
  • Student Representative 

If you are a voting member of MABA, we invite you to nominate full MABA members for the offices of President-Elect and one Member-at-Large. According to MABA by-laws, officers must be voting members of both MABA and its parent organization, the Association for Behavior Analysis, International. 

Full Membership is open to individuals with graduate degrees (e.g., masters or doctorate) in areas related to behavior analysis. Those individuals who maintain full membership status in MABA are eligible to vote on MABA business matters and to participate in the nomination and election of officers.

If you are a student member of MABA, we invite you to nominate a student representative. 

Student Membership is open to individuals currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program.

To nominate someone to these positions, please complete the appropriate domains. 

President-Elect Nomination

Member-At-Large Nomination

Student Nomination